
Were you an active youngster? Moderately. But I wasn't actively seeking to be active. I was a notorious bookworm... still am.

What is in your movement calendar these days? Gym, exercise class once a week, a personal training session, gardening and I walk everywhere; shops, library, gym, doctor etc. 

Why do you exercise now? I like the sensation of being fit. I want to improve my breathing, balance and ability to walk uphill. I want to delay the effects of old age. 

How do you relax? Reading, gardening, seeing friends, being outside, films & playing the piano. 

If you were cooking dinner for your personal trainer what would be on the menu? As a starter, smoked trout & linguine with fresh garden salad. And for the main course roast chicken with baked veggies followed by rhubarb and strawberry tart. 

If you were a famous athlete/sportsperson who would you be? I wouldn't want to be any of them! I think it would be a terrible life. 

What is your biggest challenge, and what do you do to manage this challenge? The stress of coping with a brother suffering from dementia. And as a musician I suffer from performance anxiety. To help I try and make sure I do a little bit of meditation where possible and practice my relaxation techniques.